It turns out that, as we were all sleeping, the Paws n' Snuggle gang of pets was up to their usual antics - chasing squirrels and going undercover to protect the neighborhood. If you didn't catch the last edition where we learned of the formation of the Sniff Squad, you can get caught up here. In our most recent intelligence, we've learned of a situation involving Mochi and some new members to the gang: Lola, Willow, Stella from Madeira Beach, and Lilo the black cat.
On the night of the report we received, the dogs were engaged in a rowdy game of chase in the Courtney complex near bldg 3. However, one of their balls ended up going right over the gate and into the dark murky water below.
Spellz (Lola) reportedly barked her refusal to go in after it stating: "That's where Albert the alligator lives" as the reason for why she would never get that ball or any other for as long as she lives.
As we understand it, the animals had heard terrifying tales of Albert - a massive, scaly beast who was rumored to gobble up any dog who dared set foot in his pond. We do believe it was the felines, Lilo and Mochi, who presented this information to the dogs with photos, evidence, and PowerPoint presentations. The goal appears to have been instilling abject terror in each of the canines present at the briefing. They were successful in this mission.
Each of the dogs peered through the gate, catching the attention of the wise turtle team below. The turtles, also known as "keepers of the Courtney's secret knowledge," asked them if they were afraid of Albert, to which they offered the sacrifice of one of the cats in exchange for their ball.
The turtles would have laughed, but were much too wise for such frivolity. They merely motioned to Albert, who turned to them with a very large goofy grin and ball softly held in his jaws. He moved to the side revealing a pile of chew toys, balls, and neighborhood lost treasures!
Lilo, attempting to stop any sacrifice attempts, yelled: "Albert has been protecting your toys from getting washed away in the pond! He's not a villain - he's been looking out for you all along!"
The dogs were amazed. From that day on, they thanked their giant reptilian friend for watching over them. As we understand it, Lilo and Mochi are currently in hiding in the Catness Relocation Program. We wish them all the best in their new lives and hope they are staying out of trouble!